At Kaukauna High School, we believe that each student is unique and has his/her own rate and pattern of emotional, intellectual, physical, and social growth.
The educational program should, therefore, recognize and provide for individual growth patterns based on the needs, interests, and background of the learner. The approach to learning shall provide for the learner to receive respect, concern, acceptance, and successful supportive learning experiences. The student shall be evaluated by comparing achievement to each individual’s own ability. In June, 2010, Wisconsin adopted the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts. Wisconsin also adopted Standards for Literacy in All Subjects. These standards provide the framework for a Wisconsin Student Assessment System. |
Our Trimester Schedule
The trimester schedule creates a very desirable teaching and learning environment for students and staff, providing a new foundation from which Kaukauna High School will be able to launch a more rigorous and relevant curriculum in a more personalized classroom. The instructional day delivered within a trimester schedule provides students with the opportunity to take one additional course per year while reducing their current maximum daily coursework load. Under the trimester system, studnets and their families receive report cards every six weeks - for a total of six grading periods each year. Each 12-week trimester concludes with final exams, to be held the first week in December; the first week in March; and the first week in June. If you'd like to see what the daily schedule looks like under this trimester system, take a look at the resources below. |